Tipton County Schools

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Enrollment Information

Student Enrollment 

Welcome to Tipton County Schools


We are pleased to offer Online Enrollment for parents/guardians who are enrolling both new and/or returning students.


New student enrollment: July 3, 2024 - July 31, 2024 (online)


Returning student enrollment: May 6, 2024 - May 24, 2024 (online)


Open enrollment:  April 1, 2024 - April 30, 2024 (Skyward Family Access)




Any parent/guardian who needs assistance with online enrollment or has questions should contact their child's school.


Any student entering school for the first time must present the following:

  • A birth certificate or officially acceptable evidence of date of birth at the time of enrollment
  • Evidence of state-required immunization
  • One proof of residence.


Students enrolling from another school will also need the following:

  • Withdrawal papers from previous school or last report card
  • High school transcript


The following items will be considered as proof of residence:

  • Property tax records which indicate the location of the homestead
  • Mortgage documents or property deed
  • Apartment or home lease
  • Current utility bills showing residence address
  • Automobile registration
  • Driver's license
  • State issued id/document


Any document which evidences only a post office box as an address will not be accepted.


Please note: If you are unable to secure one of the items above, please contact the principal of your child's zoned school for assistance in enrolling your student.

Kindergarten and 7th graders must submit a current Tennessee Department of Health Immunization Record. Students will be able to enroll online without uploading their immunization records but must submit them before a class schedule can be issued.


For more on state-required immunizations, please refer to the following Immunization Requirements information:


If you have any questions, please contact your student’s zoned school.



New Student Enrollment 


Pre-K Enrollment

  • April 11, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • May 14, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Requirements to apply for the Pre-K Program:

  • The child must be 4 years old by August 15, 2024.
  • The parent must complete an Income Eligibility Form.
  • The parent must complete an application.
  • One (1) proof of County Residency (E-911 address) is required. (Examples: electric bill, water bill, etc.)
  • The parent must provide a Certified Birth Certificate (Not Mother’s copy).
  • Children born in the state of Tennessee can obtain a certified copy from the Health Department.
  • Proof of Physical Examination (within 1 calendar year)
  • Proof of Immunization on a Tennessee Certificate of Immunization Form from the Health Department or Physician’s office.
  • Proof of Income (one of the following: check stub, W-2 forms, Income Tax forms, or Proof of Food Stamp eligibility.)


*** ALL Requirements listed above must be completed and submitted before any child is eligible. The application process will not be complete until all paperwork is received at the school. Students will not be placed on any list until the application process is completed.


*** Pre-K is an income-based program and priority will go to those families who qualify.


*** Completing the Tipton County Application Packet does NOT necessarily guarantee enrollment in the Pre-K Program.


*** Non-qualifying students are placed on a waiting list. These students will be considered if an opening becomes available.


*** If a child is accepted into the Pre-K program, they will receive an acceptance letter after July 1, 2024. Once the acceptance letter is received, parents/guardians must enroll the student online via New Student Enrollment. STUDENTS CAN NOT BE ISSUED A HOMEROOM OR CLASS SCHEDULE UNTIL THE ONLINE ENROLLMENT IS COMPLETE.


Tipton County Pre-K Enrollment Form


Pre-K Income Eligibility Form - English


Pre-K Income Eligibility Form - Spanish


Pre-K Frequently Asked Questions and Information



***If you are unable to secure one of the items above, please contact the principal of your child's zoned school for assistance in applying for Pre-K.



Kindergarten Enrollment

Note: Per the Tennessee Department of Education, to be eligible to enter kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year, children must be five years of age by August 15, 2024. (T.C.A. 49-6-3001 (B))


Kindergarten enrollment will take place online at each of the elementary schools for students currently not enrolled in a Tipton County School. Elementary schools will be open for enrollment on March 7, 2024, April 4, 2024, and May 2, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. – 6 p.m. Parents/Guardians will need to bring a copy of the following:

  • A birth certificate or officially acceptable evidence of date of birth
  • Evidence of a current medical examination
  • Evidence of state-required immunization and
  • One proof of residence (see above)


***If you are unable to secure one of the items above, please contact the principal of your child's zoned school for assistance in applying for kindergarten.



Current TCS Families Enrolling a New Student 


If you currently have a student enrolled in one of our schools and need to enroll a new student: 


Step 1: Go to Skyward Family Access 


Step 2: The Online Enrollment Application Form 

  • Complete the Application and click “Submit Application to District” (for detailed instructions refer to the instructions below for the Online Enrollment Application Form, beginning with #2)


*** School assignments will be based on the address entered in the application. If you would like your child to attend CA (Grades K-5), the program will default to your assigned school. There is a form to complete for CA in Section 5 of the application process.***


Step 3: Bring Required Registration Documents to the School 

  • Once your Skyward enrollment has been submitted, you will take current proofs and ALL required New Student documents to the assigned school on August 1, 2024 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.


Step 4: Approval 

  • The enrollment process will not be complete until online enrollment is submitted, and all required documents are taken to the school during your scheduled appointment.
  • Required documents are listed above.




Families new to TCS Enrolling a New Student 


If you do not have a student enrolled in Tipton County Schools and need to enroll a new student:


Step 1: Click on the link below to set up an account 

  • New Student Online Enrollment
  • Complete the form to request an application
  • Once the form has been completed, you will receive an email with a link and instructions to complete the application.


Step 2: The Online Enrollment Application Form 

  • Complete the Application and click “Submit Application to District” (for detailed instructions refer to the instructions below for the Online Enrollment Application Form, beginning with #2)


 *** School assignments will be based on the address entered in the application. If you would like your child to attend CA (Grades K-5), the program will default to your assigned school. There is a form to complete for CA in Section 5 of the application process.***


Step 3: Bring Required Registration Documents to the School 

  • Once your Skyward enrollment has been submitted, you will take current proofs and ALL required New Student documents to the assigned school on August 1, 2024.


Step 4: Approval 

  • The enrollment process will not be complete until online enrollment is submitted, and all required documents are taken to the school during your scheduled appointment.
  • Required documents are listed above.



Instructions for Completing the New Student Online Enrollment Application Form For Parents/Guardian: 

  1. The link provided in the email takes you to the application portal for you to enter the login and password provided.
  2. There are 6 steps to the application with instructions for each area.
  3. Note that anywhere you see an (*) asterisk, this is a required field.
  4. As you complete each step, you will have the option to complete and move to the next step or to complete that step only.  Choose to complete that step only if you plan to save and continue later.
  5. Step 5 provides you with the opportunity to complete registration documents.
  6. Once you complete Step 6 you will see a review of all steps.  All steps must show a Date Completed to the right.  Each step can be viewed or edited at this time, and the application is printable.
  7. The last step is for the parent/guardian to click “Submit Application to the District.”  Once you have submitted the application, it can be viewed but not edited.
  8. Once you submit the application, the system will take you to the summary page.  If there is a sibling to enroll, click the button “Click to Enroll Additional Students.”
  9. If you have any questions, please contact your zoned school.


Current Student Enrollment


  1. ALL RETURNING students to Tipton County Grades 1-12 must complete Returning Student Online Enrollment in Skyward Family Access May 6-24, 2024. 
    • Log into Skyward Family Access , then select Online Enrollment.
    • Complete all steps. Be sure to click submit to district to complete.
  2. Returning students who are transferring to another Tipton County School due to an address change or open enrollment will complete Returning Student Enrollment in Skyward Family Access, as directed above. Parents/Guardians need to attend new student enrollment day August 1, 2024, with the proper documentation.
    • Last year's final report card
    • Proof of address


Open Enrollment


Tipton County Schools supports and encourages a variety of quality educational programs. Students may attend their designated zoned school (based on the address of the legal guardian), or application may be made for Open Enrollment to another school within the school system.


Open Enrollment Slots Available for 2024-2025 (TBA)


School Slots Available
AES 30
BES 40
CES 30
DES 40
MES 40
CA 25
BMS 30
CMS 25
MMS 40
BHS 50
CHS 50
MHS 50
District 495


Application Process


Only the student’s parent, legal guardian or legal custodian can apply for a transfer on behalf of the student. The transfer application period/open enrollment period for the 2024-2025 school year for all students will be April 1, 2024 – April 30, 2024.


Parents/guardians may apply by completing and submitting a transfer/open enrollment application form that is available on Skyward Family Access and click on the Open Enrollment link for their child.

  • Applications must be completed on Skyward Family Access.
  • No applications will be accepted at a school site.
  • Applications that are not fully completed will not be accepted.
  • If you are applying for more than one child, EACH CHILD MUST HAVE THEIR OWN APPLICATION.


Selection Process

  • Notification of open enrollment status/selection will be mailed by May 15, 2024.
  • Parents must complete Returning Student Enrollment in July
  • Parents must then register their child on new student registration date (August 1, 2024) at the transfer school.


The Lottery Process

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of open slots available at a given school, a lottery will be held. The lottery determines the order in which available slots will be filled. Applications that are received after April 30, 2024, will not be considered. The information of each eligible applicant shall be printed on a lottery log for each requested school. Open Enrollment information cards will be placed into a bin for each school by priority level, shuffled and then cards will be drawn for the available number of slots at each school. One lottery drawing will be held for all available schools at the Tipton County Board of Education on May 10, 2024.


Parent’s Notice of Acceptance

The parent/guardian signature upon the application confirms their agreement to all terms and conditions in TCBOE policy 6.206.

 If there are other questions regarding open enrollment, please contact James Fields at 901-476-7148.


Open Enrollment Policy


Non-resident/Out-of-District Enrollment


Students residing outside the boundaries of the school district, but within Tennessee, may apply to attend schools within our school district upon meeting certain criteria outlined in Board Policy 6.204.


Application Process

  • Online application is available by clicking the link below.  If you choose this option, all required documents must be emailed to [email protected] or delivered to the central office. 
  • Paper applications are accessible below, at all school locations, and at the Central Office (1580 Highway 51 South Covington, Tennessee 38019) between April 1– 30, 2024 (Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.).
  • Applications will only be accepted Monday – Friday, April 1 – 30, 2024, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Central Office location or via online application.
  • All applications must be submitted by 3:00 pm on April 30th to the Central Office (1580 Highway 51 South, Covington, TN 38019).
  • Misrepresentation of information or multiple applications will be grounds to invalidate the transfer request.
  • Only completed packets containing all the required information will be accepted.


Selection Process


  • Notification of Non-Resident Transfer Requests status/selection will be sent no later than May 15, 2024.
  • If the transfer is granted, parents must then enroll their child via New Student Enrollment Account Request  and attend new student registration date (August 1, 2024) at the transfer school.
  • The out of district fee for the 2024-2025 school year will be $1,000.00, which must be paid before the student can be given a homeroom or class schedule.


Parent’s Notice of Acceptance

The parent/guardian signature upon the application confirms their agreement to all terms and conditions in TCBOE policy 6.204.


If there are other questions regarding Non-Resident Transfer requests, please contact James Fields at 901-476-7148.


Applications will be accepted Monday – Friday, April 1 – April 30, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Central Office location or online.


Non-Resident Students Policy


Non-Resident Student Transfer Request Online

Non-Resident Students Transfer Request