Visit our Family Learning Centerwebpageto learn about opportunities and resources for families!
The Family Learning Center is located at:
Crestview Middle SchoolRoom 109
Sherry LayneFamily Involvement Coordinator
GED/HISET/Adult Literacy
State Immunization InformationThe Tennessee Department of Health (TDOH) has issued new immunization rules and will also be issuing a New Official Certificate that is required for entry into school effective July 1, 2010. All newly required immunizations are routinely recommended for children. Letters below from the Director of Health Services, Le Bonheur Community Outreach, Healthy Schools for Tipton County outline the new requirements. If you have additional questions, please contact Cindy Hogg, Director of Health Services, Le Bonheur Community Outreach, Healthy Schools - Tipton County at 901-837-5610.
Parental Notifications (ESEA)
English Language Learners
Title III serves English as a Second Language Students. Through Title III, students who have a primary language other than English receive instruction in English in a specialized setting. Tennessee has more than 35 language groups who come from more than 50 countries. For these students, English is not the first language they learned to speak. However, for many of these students, English is the first language in which they have learned to read and write. Students who meet the stated definition of "immigrant student" or "Limited English Proficient" student may be eligible for services. For more information contact the Title III Director, Sharon Belew at 475-5803.
Migrant Students
The Migrant Education Program through the Tennessee Department of Education provides support and instructional services to children and families who have migrated to Tennessee within the last 3 years. To qualify in the program the families must have migrated searching for temporary or seasonal work in agriculture or fishing activities. If you have questions, please contact Sharon Belew at (901)475-5803.
Preschool-aged and school-aged children have certain rights to protection under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. If you have questions contact Sharon Belew at (901)475-5803.
TENNESSEE: CollegeforTN.orgThe Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation and the Tennessee Department of Education have launched a free web site for Tennessee higher education information., an online mentor system, is an online resource where students and parents can plan, prepare, pay and apply for colleges in Tennessee. Use of the site is free, however, standard application fees to the colleges are applicable.